reinpapier® Packaging

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Paper Injection Molding – Discover reinpapier®

Ecological packaging for a plastic-free future!

reinpapier® – The most environmentally friendly high-end product in our portfolio. The 100% ecological material composition of this packaging material finally offers you the possibility of plastic-free packaging. In addition, reinpapier® is a packaging material with excellent malleability and stability and is 100% compostable at the end of use. 

reinpapier® was created to meet the high demands for environmentally conscious packaging. An ingenious idea and an innovative raw material mixture of totally natural ingredients have resulted in one of the most sustainable packaging products of recent years. Together with you, we reduce the environmental impact of packaging to a minimum.

But our plastic-free reinpapier® has even more advantages. The organic packaging is feather-light in handling thanks to the ready-baked paper pulp. Here you can realise up to 40% savings compared to conventional packaging. reinpapier® contains no plastic components and is made entirely from renewable raw materials.

From Nature. Back to Nature.

Made from renewable ingredients

reinpapier® is paper injection molded packaging made from natural and
renewable raw materials. With its 100% ecological material composition,
the reinpapier® brand offers the unprecedented possibility of plastic-free
packaging. In addition, reinpapier® is a packaging material with excellent
malleability and stability and is 100% compostable at the end of use.

The renewable raw materials of reinpapier® paper mix include industrial starch (from industrial potatoes), long and short paper fibers, water, and an all-natural premix. The resulting paper mixture is then used for the injection molding process. 

Industrial potatoes are cultivated on lands that are not suitable for conventional or table potatoes. Conventional or table potatoes are neither cultivated for nor used in reinpapier®. As a result, precious resources or land that could be used for growing food are not wasted.

reinpapier® Packages have no negative impact on the environment (e.g. on water, soil or air, climate, animals, plants or micro-organisms) because reinpapier® is made of 100% ecological materials. reinpapier® does not cause short or long term hazards or damages to the environment.

reinpapier® is an innovative packaging product from DE-PACK because reinpapier® has exceptionally good environmentally friendly properties and can be optimally used for sustainable packaging projects. The ecological peculiarities of the material also become clear in our decomposition videos (YouTube-Channel). Due to the high starch content of 70%, packaging composts in nature within a few weeks.
Ask us how you can convert your packaging to reinpapier® to make a valuable and forward-looking contribution to the environment.

Raw material composition

For the production of reinpapier® we only use renewable raw materials:

70% Industrial starch
The required starch is obtained from conventional industrial starch (from industrial potatoes), which can be dynamically used as a renewable resource for reinpapier®. This means that the production or the cultivation focus is not dependent on food resources -- food waste is avoided. Industrial potatoes (much larger and thicker than table potatoes) grow on a wide variety of arable lands and contain almost no sugar (carbohydrates). In contrast to table potatoes the relative production yield is higher. Industrial potatoes can also be used for natural adhesives but are not suitable for consumption!
12% Natural fibers
The paper fibers consist of a mixture of long and short paper fibers. These are FSC® ™ certified fresh fibers. This guarantees a highly efficient ecological production chain from cultivation to the end product.
Important note!
Paper fibers from waste paper recycling are not used for the production.
18% Water and premix
These two substances ensure the binding of the paper mixture.
What does premixing mean?
The special premix is made from natural ingredients that serve as a binder for the final paper mix. No chemicals or other impure substances are used for this purpose!

We use environmentally friendly food coloring

Depending on customer requirements, almost all colors are possible for the packaging design. Add attractive visual touches to your product with bright, luminous color accents or use recurring color schemes for easier recognition of your product lines.

We use only food colors for coloring packaging. Therefore reinpapier® does not contain substances harmful to health or the environment as defined in Directive 67/548/EEC. reinpapier® contains no substances subject to occupational exposure limits.

reinpapier® is almost odorless and theoretically the packaging is even edible. Special pretreatments can be used to create smooth or marbled surface effects which can be optimally incorporated into the design of a packaging solution.

Top values in the Climate Balance

The CO2 footprint of reinpapier® is 85% is lower than that of comparable plastic, cardboard or paper pulp (pulp) packaging.

This is the result of using renewable raw materials as a base, low water consumption during production, reduced packing weight, high energy efficiency in logistics and production and non-toxic waste disposal.

Decomposition without Pollutant Residues

A material is defined as “compostable“ when at least 90% of that material can be biodegraded within six months under aerobic conditions or in an industrial composting plant or in the final compost (standard EN 13432), namely until decomposition and loss of visibility (absence of visible contamination). The duration of the biodegradation process here depends predominantly on environmental influences such as temperature, humidity and the time factor.
With our environmentally friendly reinpapier® packaging, these conditions are fully met because the contents are 100% compostable! The high starch content and nature itself helps the material to decompose efficiently within a few weeks - toxin-free and without pollutants.
In order to realize an optimal composting of the material, a correct aggregate state is essential, i.e. moisture and temperature values including bacteria must be correct. It should be noted that if it does not rain, the conditions of optimal composting are not given.

In the following video (german language) sequence, you can see an optimal example. The packaging tray has completely decomposed in the garden bed within 64 days.

Recycling – Environmentally friendly recyclable

We actively engage in finding ways to recapture the raw materials in our packaging and reintegrating them in our production processes. Product development and design play a decisive role in this process right from the start. Our corporate philosophy includes intelligent packaging designs with minimal use of materials and guaranteed product protection.

By using recyclable packaging material, we at DE-PACK make a significant contribution to our environment. Raw materials are used and reused in a cycle without diminishing packaging quality or product protection.

Sustainable use of our environment means acting responsibly. DE-PACK is totally committed to take on this responsibility.